
icy frantz the icing on the cake icy frantz writer

I spent most of August on an island in Massachusetts, a breathtakingly beautiful spit of land that, as the summer slips away, is truly hard to leave. It is a special place for many, our family included. We raised our children here during their summer break for as long as I can remember, enjoying bike rides, the beach, the ocean, sailing, and an occasional lobster dinner.

One recent morning in my favorite neighborhood yoga class - the lights on low, the heat on high, and my eyes happily shut - the teacher shared her intention for the day. “I want to learn to stretch the moment,” she said, taking in a deep breath – one, two three, four - and then letting it out with an exaggerated “haaah”.

From my perspective, all scrunched up with my legs in a pretzel, I was certainly focused on stretching, but only of the physical variety - the extension of muscles that have grown too tight from age, bad posture, and lack of attention.

And since I hadn’t yet considered my own intention, I reflected on hers -  the yearning for an emotional stretch.

My mind drifted to those moments this summer that I wish I could stretch - extend, really - well into the rapidly approaching fall, with its shorter, chillier, and busier days.

There was time spent with our family in July exploring a new country; it had been years since we had all gone on an adventure. Now that our boys are out in the working world, finding a week together is challenging, and I treasured that trip - the shared meals, the new discoveries, and the casual conversations over coffee or a cocktail.

And college visits on the West Coast with my sister and our daughters. How I would love to hold onto the giggles we shared on a campus in Malibu (which was also the set of Zoey 101, a Frantz family favorite when our children were growing up). I would do anything to be back on the bikes we pedaled on the boardwalk from Venice Beach to Santa Monica, or to witness again the wondrous joy I saw in my daughter’s eyes the moment she realized that she may have found her first choice school in Santa Barbara.

Sure, there were other moments too, most of them spent with family, friends, or even our dogs. They were unencumbered times when the pace of life had slowed down enough to allow me to enjoy the moment, rather than worry about what was coming next or what I had to do. There were sunsets appreciated, bonfires savored, boat rides relished, and a few sunrises experienced - expanding a summer day for as long as possible.

As I shifted my body to the tabletop position, I shifted my mind to consider my own intention for the upcoming months. September is always bittersweet for me; I am sad to let go of summer, as well as a little overwhelmed by what’s ahead. And yet, the fall is exciting and exhilarating, too.

The class picked up the pace, and we were now flowing from position to position. In mountain pose, with our arms stretched out above our head, I noticed the woman in front of me. 

Hmm…she didn’t seem to be doing it right.

I knew that I should be focused on my own movement and not hers, but I found myself feeling a little judgy. She was twirling her hips to the rhythm of the music.

No, that’s not right at all.

We left mountain pose and wound our way back to downward dog and into a low lunge. Again, that woman was whirling her arms and clapping quietly to the music. In fact, whenever and wherever she could, she was adding steps and eagerly and cheerfully burning more energy as if she was trying to get the most and more out of every minute.

I, on the other hand, was dutifully going through the motions of the class - concentrating on surviving and wondering how much longer we had to go - and I am certain my facial expression indicated just that.

I stole one more look at the woman in front of me and then it hit me – ahaaa - she was actually gifting me my intention.

Sure, I could stretch the moments - those wonderful summer moments - by bringing their memories with me deep into the fall, but my intention would be to try and take on the new - the sometimes hard, the faster pace, those colder days - with joy and merriment, an extra step, and a reminder to enjoy the moment, no matter.

Inevitably, September – and all that comes with it – will soon be upon us. But with a collective breath in - one, two, three, four - and a loud release – “haaah“…I may just be that woman in front, twirling my hips and dancing to the beat of the music.


i took my place


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