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a featured piece is relaxing with friends over an extended dinner, candlelight flickering, sharing stories with no consideration of the passing time.

icy frantz icy frantz


I had developed some important coping skills during COVID, and now was the perfect time to put them to use. While she was off screen - I went on.

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how can i do better?
icy frantz icy frantz

how can i do better?

We may not be looking out at a committee, hopeful for financial support, but we are looking out at our own lives, and out at a world that is in desperate need of help.

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good jeans
icy frantz icy frantz

good jeans

For those of you who subscribe to the belief that less is more, you will probably think the following sounds a little crazy:

I have an entire drawer dedicated to blue jeans.

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i am already proud of you
icy frantz icy frantz

i am already proud of you

As a society, we need to realize that what we are demanding of our children is excessive and unsustainable, and as parents we need to let our children know that we love them for all of their unique and wonderful qualities, unattached to and devoid of any accomplishments.

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icy frantz icy frantz


All of sudden, the control I once felt slips away.

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turns out 95 is not all that bad
icy frantz icy frantz

turns out 95 is not all that bad

How can we feel happy when there is so much strife in this world? How do we come to terms with the fact that the human experience can be so vastly different?

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pinball wizard
icy frantz icy frantz

pinball wizard

Maybe saying goodbye to this legend would remind us how much we already miss watching our own children sporting the number 12 out on an athletic field; how much we miss our own family gatherings to cheer on the GOAT.

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has anyone seen my kid?
icy frantz icy frantz

has anyone seen my kid?

Transitions are rough, but the hardest concept to accept about this new parenting phase is that I am no longer the center of their universe - and yet, they will always be mine.

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