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a featured piece is relaxing with friends over an extended dinner, candlelight flickering, sharing stories with no consideration of the passing time.

it’s a big world out there
icy frantz icy frantz

it’s a big world out there

Flying makes me nervous, changing time zones is exhausting, the logistics of travel are frustrating, and packing and unpacking - and then packing and unpacking, and then packing and unpacking again - my carry-on with a week’s worth of clothes…is annoying.

Is it all worth it?

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you did it!
icy frantz icy frantz

you did it!

While we wait for the picture-worthy moment when our son or daughter crosses the stage to accept a diploma, let me flip things around and share with you three lessons I have learned from our soon-to-be graduate. Our children are great teachers.

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your moment in the sun
icy frantz icy frantz

your moment in the sun

While our kids consider the dogs the varsity team and the cats junior varsity, the JV team adds a different kind of value to our home, and I am amazed at how much they teach me by how they live life on their own terms.

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icy frantz icy frantz


I grab my cell phone from its charger and head towards the bathroom, a room that I frequented over the past eight hours. My lower back reminds me that it is tight as I gaze into the mirror – “Who is this person, and what did you do with that bright-eyed, bushy-tailed blonde young thing I used to know?”

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depends on the context
icy frantz icy frantz

depends on the context

Depends on the context. On December 5th, the then-president of Harvard, Claudine Gay, said these four words in a congressional hearing in response to a question about genocide. And although Gay later apologized for her answer, declaring, “Words matter,” the phrase has continued to rattle around in my brain.

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