you drive me crazy

icy frantz scott frantz the icing on the cake

I have a magnet on my fridge that says something along these lines:

If you dislike someone, the way they hold their fork will drive you crazy,
but if you love someone, they could dump their entire plate on your lap,
and you would consider it sweet.

And I guess that’s basically true.

As we head towards Valentine’s Day, aka the most romantic day of the year, we are focusing on the things about our significant others that we find sweet (and maybe even ridiculous) that others may find annoying, but for whatever reason they are the unique qualities and traits that make them irresistible to us.

Here Is what you shared with us:

  • He is incapable of sneezing once – every sneezing event is at least a 7-sneeze percussion performance.

  • She can’t find anything, even if it’s in her pocket.

  • He is a micromanager, but catches everything I miss - like the flight I booked on the wrong day to the wrong city. We make a good team.

  • My girlfriend and I couldn’t be less aligned when it comes to entertainment. Think Bachelor and Super Bowl, but it’s a great reminder that what is on the screen is less important than the person sitting next to you.

  • He wears a ratty, dirty piece of string on his wrist. It represents a good friend who passed away, so he never takes it off.

  • He loves the little Tik Tok dance she does every time she gets excited about something.

  • Whenever the kids or I go anywhere in the car, he checks the oil, the tires, the fluids. He is obsessed with safety, our safety.

  • Our dog has taken on her exact personality.

  • The way he turns up the music at a party – no one can hear anyone, but it makes him so happy.  

  • My boyfriend always picks up my call or Facetime, even just to tell me he can’t talk right now, and he texts me good morning every day.

  • He is so darn – elegant: the way he dresses, the way he eats, the way he just relaxes in our home - always. I love that he is like Cary Grant and I am more like a stuffed animal, and it doesn’t matter.

  • My girlfriend is a planner. I am not. Just last week she asked me what we are doing for the 4th of July, but I kind of love her for that.

  • He brings me coffee in bed every morning and hovers over me until I grab it rather than putting it on the nightstand.

  • He sends things to the family group chat, silly things that can drive us all crazy, but I love that it is important to him to connect with the kids and me every day.

  • I love to walk. He knows that about me, but when I ask, he is often noncommittal, but is always waiting for me at the door.

  • He is very particular about the middle console in his car. He likes it clean, really clean, and can’t stand even a gum wrapper dropped temporarily by me. Sometimes I do it just for fun

  • He has made it a point to share all of his passions with our children (all of them, and there are many!) and he gets a little bummed out when the kids are not as enthusiastic as he is.

  • She always knows exactly what food I will order at a restaurant and then orders the same exact meal before I do.

  • He seems to think that duct tape is miraculous and can replace the need to call a good plumber or electrician. I am used to it, so we always have a good supply.

  • He loves how his wife is always in motion and her clumsiness adds to her charm.

  • Her boyfriend hates tomatoes, but she has found gaps in his dislike for tomatoes - he eats pizza and pasta with marinara sauce. Hmmm.

If you are anything like me, this list has made you smile and really think about the people in our lives and how they make our world better, happier.

So let’s break out the roses and the chocolate and give some good, non-COVID hugs! It’s the most romantic time of the year!




time to refuel