a featured piece is relaxing with friends over an extended dinner, candlelight flickering, sharing stories with no consideration of the passing time.

“It will be ok. Just you wait and see, everything will be fine, better than fine, even.”

a proper send off
For a climber, letting go of a handhold is a necessary yet scary part of the sport. To reach a higher stance, the climber must release his or her grip, stretch towards the heavens and search for another handhold.

healing addiction, person by person
The truth is, I was not a wine connoisseur. I can’t even remember if I liked the taste. I drank because the wine gave me something very tangible and I liked the way it made me feel.

thank you, mom
Over time, I settled into my new role as Mom, and when I wasn’t thinking about or reacting to our children and their many needs, I began to consider my own Mom.

it's more than just a bagel
An important and necessary part of being human is to be needed.