a featured piece is relaxing with friends over an extended dinner, candlelight flickering, sharing stories with no consideration of the passing time.

If we are able to withstand the risk of rejection, maybe even more than once, the chances are great that we will find a home, a tribe, the ability to relax in our own skin in the company of others, and a place where we are known and truly seen.

hands off my story
We own the memories and the details of our life, as we see it. And no one gets to steal our story.

to LSF and all the amazing dads out there
Many might claim that a day to celebrate fathers is a materialistic ploy to sell Hallmark cards and mugs, but I would argue that fathers need to be recognized for the vital role they play in developing our children.

my frontline
These past few months at home, when we have quarantined and spent time away from our normal lives, I am reminded of my summer also away from my normal life. And if I learned one thing from my time in the hands of the workers on the frontline - we are in very good hands.

“It will be ok. Just you wait and see, everything will be fine, better than fine, even.”

a little bit of good friday and a little bit of easter in all our lives
Good Friday may bring a community together, encouraging individuals to put more value in the greater good than in singular aspirations, or it may stop us in our tracks, knowing that without the experience of Good Friday, life might have been much smaller.

the marathon
"Life is a marathon, not a sprint" is an analogy that is painfully overused and probably inherently flawed, but when I consider this time we are in now, it's hard to ignore the similarities.
love rising
In the middle of great turmoil, there is always great love.

time to stand
My watch vibrates, reminding me that there are signs out there. Do you see them?

corona connection
At times like these, we put politics and differences aside to care for each other. We do that well. We always have.

a proper send off
For a climber, letting go of a handhold is a necessary yet scary part of the sport. To reach a higher stance, the climber must release his or her grip, stretch towards the heavens and search for another handhold.

finding grace
“When it is time to go, you thank God for what He has given you and you hope that you have made the lives of a few people a little better.”

healing addiction, person by person
The truth is, I was not a wine connoisseur. I can’t even remember if I liked the taste. I drank because the wine gave me something very tangible and I liked the way it made me feel.

Today, “watch my back” may not carry the same weight it once did or be about saving someone’s life, but it has evolved to mean fierce loyalty and friendship and I would argue that those are two qualities on which our life depends.